January 17, 2021


Sticky Post
Behavior modification is a complex term that has different meanings for different professionals. For some, it refers to techniques that are coercive or intended to create pain. CPI strongly opposes treatment modalities that adversely affect a person’s Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠ and does not teach behavior modification. Rather, we teach safe, noninvasive, and nonharmful behavior...
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How did you learn right from wrong, and what influenced you to form these behaviors? In this lesson, we will explore how factors in our environment work together to determine how we behave. What Is Behavior Modification? Do you remember being punished as a child? Why do you think your parents did that? Despite what...
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For a long time, I set my alarm on my cell phone, then put it on my nightstand when I went to sleep each night. Without fail, the alarm would sound in the morning and I’d either hit snooze repeatedly or pick up my phone and spend the next half hour scrolling through Twitter and...
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Key points It’s common for autistic children to behave in challenging ways.If you understand why autistic children behave in certain ways, you can work out how to change the behaviour and help children manage it.When autistic children can manage their own challenging behaviour, they can learn and get along better with others. On this page:...
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